So in my school finals' season already started (last friday, to be exact) and before season started I was looking for some tips and remembered everything that my teachers suggested us to do..
1) Eat an apple every morning!
I personally prefer green over red, but it's up to you! |
2) Sleep AT LEAST 6 hours before the exam
Many friends of mine prefer to stay awake all night and keep studying, but actually you will think better if you are well-rested
3) Don't study one day before the exam!
Many people believes that if they study one day before the exam the information will be fresh, but it's better to start studying several days before and dedicate a proper amount of time to each topic or subject... If you start studying one day before, it will be more common that you won't have enough time or that you will be really tired at the end of your study session.
4) If you are doing a study group, invite just a few people
When 5+ people are "studying" it is more likely that you will be doing something else rather than studying.
and last but not least.....
5) Take a warm shower every morning
I know that it isn't healthy for your hair to wash it every day, but I feel like every time I take a shower it helps me to get relaxed and clear my mind
So, I hope this tips are helpful for you (: